Friday, January 29, 2010


Why is it that she can't get over the fact that He is an ass?
Why is she so hooked onto Him?
Why can't she move on and find someone Better?
Someone who she deserves to be with.
Love is nothing short of Pain itself.
Its just another word to help substitute teh word Pain.
Both emotions bring the same thing to the table.
They both relate to each other.
Its kinda depressing knowing this shit.
She loves Him.
She wants Him.
She adores Him.
She needs Him.
She deserves Him.
After everything she does.
He never realises it.
In a minute he could change his mind to suit himself
eventhough it crushes her.
He doenst care.
Why is he so heartless?
Just some random questions roaming around in my vacant mind :/
Simply why?


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