Sunday, November 23, 2008

assesments XD

as we all knw...
assesments are starting tomorrow and lasting the entire week!
i slept over at kimi's this weekend and we studied as much as possible!
and then i came home and continued studying my history!
i HATE history....
seirously the entire assasination one the franz guy and his wife...
the entire WORLD WAR I
its all old storryyy's...
okayy sometimes it does get a lil interesting!
like when france,usa and great britian bitch about germany...
even in those days they were BITCHES
i have history tomorrow!
a math class test:p
oh god help me:(


about the whole ammar thing...

ummm...i still dont knw what to do:/

i knw he loves me...

and i love him...

but i am confused:(

soo we'll see what will happen tomorrow:/

i'll blog about it kayy...:D


the entire weekend was spent with babes and kimi!

had a blast...

saw payam for a while on thursdayy...

miss him already :/

i gtg and continue studyin :((((

wish me luck bitch's



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