location :*
barracuda beach resort
friday till saturday
okay, soo i was with kimi the nigh before and we were just chilling...
kim had to go home early... so that night i met up with babes and payam
and we went to chill in JBR
we didnt really do anything we were just hanging out a the beach...
it was a funny thing though coz i thought that it was mohsens party that night...
so i brought elli with us..
we went to ibn battutta first to get him a pressie..
we all chipped in and got him a ZIPPO ;)
guess what though...we found out the pary was on the next night!
so thats how we eneded up just chilling in JBR ;p
we sent elli home and then i went back with elli...
took a shower and freshened up then went to babes hse
i slept ova coz we were leavin real early the next mornin ;(
babes bed after wakin up :D
okay so we woke up at 8am...
okay so we woke up at 8am...
dressed and left around 8.30am
we had to go and pick up kimi from mirdiff:p
after gettng her we were on our journey to baracudda XD
it was a 1 1/2 hour drive!
but it was fun coz we were all in the car together and bonding :D
we stopped at a petrol station and had some hot dogs and sandwiches:p
wen we arrived we ended up chilling in the room..
talked,played,and other stuff ;)
we were up almost all night!
we went to have dinner at the restaurant
played a couple games of pool..
it was reallyyy nice!
then played by the swings and hung out at the beach..
it was veryy chillin..
we had to leave at 11am!
it was soo hard for us to wake up...
but we did then we all went home..:p
later at night i chilled with babes again:D
that was barracuda :p
*the room*
*the restaurant*
all this equals to a hellova load of funXD
*thx babes for inviting me;)*
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